The Kuunavang price has inflated at a sickly rate mainly bevause of greedy opportunists, people that have waaay to much time on their hand farming, and those buying gold from online shops inspite of the rules and to be honest i wont support this price spiral. The Kuunavangs are getting harder and harder to sell since the price simply doesnt match the demand or reality for that matter so ill just either wait for them to stabilize at a realistic rate again or get another high-end minipet.
Paying this much for something that came free with a collectors edition is out of the question and those that pay these prices are doing nothing but furter push the already trembling GW economy out of balance.
Alot of people will probably call me whiner, cryer n00b or whatever else they can come up with but this has nothing to do with me being a cheapscate or a "n00b" but rather rational thinking which seems to be in great lack these days. Dont be a sheep and pay the prices the crowds does, use your heads people.